AIESEC in University of Sri Jayawardenepura partners with Chokolaate Magazine

Chokolaate Magazine initiates to collaborate with AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenapura in accomplishing their missions to bring out and nurture the talents of the youth in Sri Lanka. Chokolaate Magazine is a youth oriented quarterly magazine which covers a broad variety of interests such as education, fashion, music, drama, sports, achievers, features and creative where it is widely accepted for its quality content. Hence, Chokolaate Magazine has put their hands together with AIESEC in University of
Sri Jayawardenepura to accelerate the latest knowledge on technology and its advancement for youth.

DECIPHER is a case study competition organized by AIESEC in University of Sri Jayawardenepura which will be a virtual hackathon implemented with the aim of aspiring the youth of Sri Lanka towards their technological advancement. Thus, it will open up the opportunities for the university undergraduates to enhance their knowledge on the latest knowledge on technology and its advancement to accelerate their problem-solving skills, innovative ness and knowledge in terms of IT and Technology.

The participation of 50 teams in this aforesaid case study competition will be supplemented with workshops by the conduct of experts. The competitors will be evaluated by the quality standards based on their technological knowledge. AIESEC aligned with Chokolaate Magazine with its collaboration will produce this event a successful one in reaching to its maximum potential to step forward for the youth and the technological advancement in Sri Lanka.

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