“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

Leadership is a widely spoken topic in the current context of the world. It has given much attention because leadership is, in fact, the ultimate solution to create a better and sustainable world.
AIESEC is the first youth organization that was established to strive to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential through leadership. AIESEC in University of Kelaniya; one of the oldest AIESEC entities in Sri Lanka, tirelessly contributes to this very objective of creating leadership to inspire youth to be the difference they wish to see. Now we are all set to celebrate the achievements and reward and appreciate the membership of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya for their concerted efforts, through the annual award ceremony,” SPARKLES 2021”.

SPARKLES is the annual award ceremony of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya which has been held grandly since 1998. The main objective of the awarding ceremony is to recognize the talents, reward the hard work, and celebrate the achievements of the young leaders of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya of the respective year. This event has been the talk of AIESEC members and considered one of the most glamorous events of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya that takes place each year with the presence of the Member Committee of AIESEC Sri Lanka, Local Committee Vice Presidents, and beloved Alumni.

SPARKLES 2021 will be taking place on the 10th of July 2021 at 6PM, grandly, with an expected participation of 200 AIESEC members. Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, the event is set out to take place through ZOOM virtual platform adding a whole new feel to it with the use of sophisticated technical methods to make the event highly interactive. The event consists of nominee announcements, winner announcements, and awarding the winners along with a special appearance of one of the leading singers in Sri Lanka, Mr. Julius Michelle who will be adding more color, vibrance and entertainment to the event.

SPARKLES 2021 is going to be an evening full of excitement and surprises. The excellent performances of the members of the entity for the year 2020 will be awarded and rewarded for their exceptional performances. The nominees and winners of the following titles will be announced and awarded.

• Best Emerging Young Leader
• Best Young Leader
• Best Organizing Committee
• Best Manager
• Best Matching Member
• Best ER Raiser
• Best Project
• Best PM Member
• Best Marketing Member

We would like to thank the Organizing Committee of SPARKLES 2021 for their dedication and hard work, Executive Board of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya for the guidance and our partners; Java Institute of technology, Xenon Integrated, SC graphics, Chokolaate Magazine, Psync Advertising, SC Graphics, Biseka, Bismo, Naturals and Signature for their valuable contributions.

AIESEC in university of Kelaniya is a leading entity in Sri Lanka that mainly focuses on creating leaders. We, as an entity, mold the leadership qualities of our membership by encouraging active participation in volunteering initiatives and other impactful activities. SPARKLES 2021 will reveal the results of constant efforts of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya to build hard-working young leaders who will contribute to making a difference for future generations.

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