Lubby – Cover Story

Fathima Lubna Mehthab Morseth aka Lubby

Unlike most nineteensomethings,Fathima Lubna Mehthab Morseth or better known as ‘Lubby’  already has a long and varied career behind her. She was Lyceum International School’s Head  Prefect and the Captain of the Girl’s Basketball team with numerous awards including ‘The  Most Valuable Player’ in the bag . Her extracurricular activities included competing and setting  records for Javelin and Shot putt in International Schools Athletic Championships and National  Championships . She has represented Sri Lanka since she was 14 on multiple international  pedestals , until the pandemic put the world on hold. With things returning to normalcy ,this  Basketball prodigy,304 (three-nought-four) enthusiast, and ACCA student is poised for world  dominance. 

  1. You made your international debut when you were 14, how has your journey been since? 

It has been pretty good. I’ve had many ups and downs but I’m grateful for every opportunity I’ve  gotten and the risks I’ve taken that have brought me to where I am today.  

  1. How did you get into Basketball? 

I got into the sport because of my sister. I loved watching her play and loved the idea of having  a special bond with a team just like she did. I also sort of envied the fact that she got all the cool  shoes, kits etc… and that made me try basketball out and the rest is history.  

  1. You’ve also performed really well in inter-International School Tournaments where you’ve  made new meet records in the shot putt and javelin throw. Do you think you’d pursue these  sports on a national scale? 

Although I loved doing those sports, for the time being, I’d like to stick to playing ball only. That  way I’ll be able to focus and grow more, challenging myself to be the best I can at this sport. 

  1. You are at the peak of your Basketball career, did the pandemic affect you in any way? 

Definitely yes. There was a time period where everything just felt blank and off, as all the  tournaments kept getting cancelled, practices kept getting cancelled and no one really knew  what the next step was. But thankfully, with safety precautions of course, everything has  resumed now and we’ve got new things to look forward to everyday.  

  1. You were also the Head Prefect of Lyceum International School Wattala, how did you  manage your Head Prefect duties and Basketball? 

It was challenging of course, but I had two amazing deputies, a team of incredibly talented  prefects and friends who backed me up throughout all of it. 

Read more in Issue 60 of Chokolaate available on Magzter now! 

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