A learning experience of a life time
“Instruction ends in the school-room, but education ends only with life” – Frederick W. Robertson
Hey youngsters! The Imperial College of Business Studies proudly presents you with a most unique opportunity, where fun, experience and skill combines. It is with great pleasure that we present to you with a “Certificate of Life Long learning” (CLL) which will surely become a basic survival guide for you who are navigating the educational path to become giants in the co-operate world.
This exclusive program has been developed in order to provide students between 15 to 17 years a basic understanding on the current technological developments, basics of the legal framework and contemporary issues. This program provides a foundation to our students regardless of their discipline of study and covers topics that they will continue to build upon during their further studies forming a basis of life-long learning.
As a certificate level program, the course will run in a period of three months namely April, August and December, and will be held for 2 weeks during the holiday period. Stressed with being stuck in your homes for a long period of time with no inspiration, aspiration or purpose this is the perfect opportunity to have some fun online, while learning new paths.
CLL is designed in order to bring you THAT inspiration, aspiration and purpose that you did not even know you lacked in life! Students will be engaged in implementing projects, working in teams, gathering information through research and presenting their findings, all skills that for an essential part of their future development. The module structure consists of four basic modules which will be taught over ten hours’ time period. (Forty hours). It will cover the following as Digitalization and digital technologies, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Co-operate Social Responsibility (CSR), Business Law (Law for dummies). “Digitalization and digital technologies (DDT)” will cover common topics that go much unaddressed in the current world. This will be a small analysis of social media, A.I VR Robotics, An understanding of businesses in the future, Industrial Revolutions and the impact on people and business, as well as the understanding of businesses in the future. Fear not, for it will not be a formal, dreaded online class, but a platform that will give students a voice to speak up about the challenges they face in this day and age of technology. Also it will give you a basic understanding of what we call a “sneak peek” into the future, which is the use of technology itself.
In the constant battle faced in the country of “nature vs. nurture”, a problem faced by many children is that, no matter what potential level they have society has determined their paths of life, and how far they go through uncontrollable factors such as genetics, family background etc. Well, we are here to prove you wrong! Each student, no matter who they are from, or which walk of life, they are talented in their own way, with less than 40% of the potential being tapped into, by the rigid education system. We introduce to you “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EI) which will provide answers to all these questions.
EI focuses on the current business framework, entrepreneurship and what drives entrepreneurship, success stories, innovation and importance of innovation, and key traits of innovators and entrepreneurs. This is a great chance to recognize the entrepreneur within you and recognize yourself.
Are you a job seeker? Or a job provider? This will help you understand this question in a very relaxed manner, and provide answers at your own pace.
Co-operate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on the social work, the social sector, and the need to help people up. It shall surely enable you to realize how great a change you can make in your family, friends, and the society at whole. It will also focus on the sustainability of organizations, developing a CSR Plan and Implementing a CSR activity. It could be a huge project that will cover up an entire country. Or it can be something really small like cleaning the pathways in your neighborhood. But remember, what’s important is that you are adding “value” to the society, by giving your precious time to such pursuits.
Last but not least we come up with the unthinkable- something that was seriously lacking in the Sri Lankan society and is only deemed for the “higher-ups”, but which is a misconception which led to many grievous incidents. This is none other than “Law for dummies” or “Business Law” which is deemed to provide you with the basic legal frameworks, employment law, contract law, and the process of setting up your own business.
In order to test your skills and understanding of the above areas, we will be conducting assessments, research and practical projects which will help you nurture your presentation skills, research skills and gives you a sneak peek of what actual higher education sounds like. The four assessments for the above modules are:
A group presentation for DDL, An individual assignment of 1200 words for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a group project and presentation for CSR and a 1200 word individual assignment for Business Law.
The program ensures that students are prepared for a successful decision making process in the future while introducing soft skills and hard skills that are widely needed in the job market.
The awarding criteria consists of an Award of distinction which is above a mean mark of 70%, a pass grade for a mean mark of 50% or above and a failure grade for a mean mark of 49% or below.
We believe that education is life-long, which will enhance the mind, body and soul in such a way that each and every student will get the benefit of improving their current standards in life. However, as Aristotle once said, the root of education is bitter but the fruit is sweet. In order to taste the sweetness in life, you have to go through trials and tribulations, which will all be worth it in the end.
We cannot force you, but we can guide you. We cannot give you a path, but we can give you an opportunity. But opportunities pave walk ways that you will be willing to walk in, and walk ways will make a path one day. So dear youngsters, the future of our nation, I have one question for you:
Are you ready?