The Mid Town Blog

The Mid Town blog is back with a bang.

The Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town blog has been a cornerstone when it has come to articles and our blog as a whole. This year we wanted to give our readers a whole new look and a couple of new things to browse through. We have come up with new blog series, one been called “Found Guilty of Murder” and the other “Pandemic Diaries”. The website has a whole new look and feel to it. Stepping into it makes you fascinated by what has been done. To get a feel as to what has been added to our website have a read at the remainder of this article.


Our club has been a bellwether when it has come to setting trends. From social media trendings like ‘#wearemidtown’ to giving out hoodies with the bison’s logo on it (not free of course, it’s not like we are a charity organization to give it for free), The Club has always been an initiator and yet again, Mid Town is setting trends in District 3220 on our blog. Any guesses?

Drum roll………. it’s a forum called The Huddle.

Digging through the Wikipedia rabbit hole, I found that a forum is an online discussion site or a message board, where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. (This is literally breaking every rule of the definition etiquette I’ve ever learned. Very helpful, but I guess I’ll let it slide).

From projects like Hopper Night to Light Up and most recently, projects like Brighter Bee, these have captured many headspaces of many Rotaractors and the general public of Sri Lanka. With the revamped website, Mid Town is planning to create an atmosphere on our blogs where fellow Huddlers (Made up name, no point googling it) can read and discuss anything on their mind on the Huddle.

Apart from the so-called online discussion site, we have added other new material to our website.

Well, with the battle of the Blogs raging on in Rotaract (hint, hint), Mid Town is introducing new and exciting blogs for your reading pleasure. If you have come looking for articles, go check out our link to Mid Town diaries. We have added an array of new articles to Our Stories, Council Stories and Around the world. So sit back, relax and have a read of our amazing blogs.

While you are at it, did you check out the Legacy tab? Wanna know who our Charter President was? Head over to Legacy and have a look at our past 40 presidents. Recognize anyone? There are pretty famous names in there who have contributed so much to the community. So basically, if it wasn’t obvious in the first few statement’s I made in this paragraph, this page is about our Past Presidents.

Another new addition to the website is Impact Stories, this was the brainchild of our President Rtr. Dina Ali. Well, I’m not going to explain this one to you. Why don’t you head over to our website and check it out yourself.

The launch of the website is nothing but a feather in Mid Town’s cap. We are always looking forward to new innovative ideas and most importantly making an impact in our community and we will continue to do so.

Written by Rtr. Kaizer Majid

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